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​Recent HCVI Highlights

HCVI has had a very busy and productive 2018/2019. The current website is a poor reflection of the state of the organization and the enormous progress HCVI has made in the last 2 years. Look forward to a totally redesigned website that will help better present the dramatic increase in projects and programs taking place in a multitude of locations around the world.



  • HCVI initiates Student Vision Screening Program in Somoto, Nicaragua. This program is part of a partnership that HCVI has established with the Fabretto Foundation, which oversees more than 50 schools and 13, 000+ children in Nicaragua. The program will evaluate and treat all 13,000+ children for vision problems in the coming year and in years to come this will be an annual program.


  • HCVI assumes control of the Cambodia National Club Foot Program. The program, headed by orthopedic surgeon, Vuthy Chhoeurn MD, lost its funding this past year.  HCVI founder, Frank Duggan MD, notes " It seemed logical for us to step in. We have a strong presence at the National Pediatric Hospital where the National Club Foot Program is based. Treatment of clubfoot has such meaningful impact we did not feel we could allow this important National Program to be threatened."



  • HCVI sponsors WHO Save Lives: Clean Your Hands May 5 Campaign. This is the second year that HCVI has sponsored this program at the National Pediatric Hospital in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, where HCVI Cambodia is based. It is part of a larger role that HCVI is playing in Infection Prevention and Control at the hospital HCVI_Infection, Prevention, and Control (IPC)This year 355 health care providers were in attendance.
  • In addition, to the annual May 5 Campaign, HCVI runs a similar program for all staff on a quarterly basis and for all medical and nursing students when they come on rotation at the National Pediatric Hospital.


  • HCVI completes major renovation of Emergency Department at the National Pediatric Hospital (Phnom Penh, Cambodia). This is part of a larger partnership that is comprised of direct patient care, material and equipment donations, as well as staff and student education and training.


  • HCVI Community Medical Outreach Dental Hygiene Program at Heritage Line Primary School (Kampong Cham Province, Cambodia) a success. Over 200 children were provided toothbrushes and toothpaste as well as instruction in the proper care of their teeth. This program will take place at a number of locations in Cambodia on a regular basis to meet the children's daily needs. Visit our HCVI_Dental Google Site for more information. 




  • HCVI acquires (3) advanced pediatric simulation mannequins from partner Project Cure.HCVI Director comments "We are very appreciative of the wonderful relationship we have with Project Cure. These mannequins are a great addition to the Simulation Lab we are creating at theHCVI Medical Library located at the National Pediatric Hospital in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.